After years of creating a fabled Anya HIndmarch Village, it has become a blissful reality. The Anya Hindmarch Village is a distillation of multiple ideas and concepts that Anya has had over the years, and is a hub of creativity and contemporary design. Amongst the several new stores are ‘The Dry Drinker’, an Anya off-license, and ‘The Plastic Shop’, featuring products made from reused plastics and reflecting a new sustainable model for the company, in addition to the Anya Cafe which continues to serve delicious cakes, drinks, biscuits and all the good stuff.
We have been working on original retail music supervision to their apply-named dog grooming salon and luxury dog pop-up, Anya Houndmarch, by providing 1950s music for a retro-chic sound and atmosphere. We’ve been further playing with form and genre with a playlist based on the 1970s television series ‘Good Life’ played in the Village Hall – formerly known as 11 Pont Street – where you can hear bossa nova instrumentals and sunny rhythms.
The innovation and expansion of the Anya Hindmarch brand is befitting of such a forward-thinking company, and we have been enjoying continuously developing our background music for retail to match this progression.